About – N3i


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Your Trusted IT and Digital Delivery Partner

N3i deliver high quality, responsive IT support and digital services to the NHS and other health and care providers. We are supported by our award winning parent companies, City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP) and The One Point. This allows us to bring added value to our customers and provide them with unrivalled in-depth knowledge and services that are tailored to their specific needs.

Meet the team

Our Parent Companies

We are supported by our award winning parent companies, City Health Care Partnership CIC (CHCP) and The One Point.

Our Accreditations & Standards

We take pride in the excellence of our services, and our accreditations serve as a clear demonstration of our commitment to quality management, exceptional service, and robust security. Our accolades include three ISO standards: ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 20000 for Service Management, and ISO 27001 for Information Security. Furthermore, we have achieved Cyber Essentials Plus status and have consistently surpassed the stringent requirements of the NHS Data Protection Security Toolkit.

N3i - Data Security and Protection Toolkit Standards Exceeded